Jeff Rudolph

Contact Info :
(617) 383-7774

Why I'm Running :

I am running for Town Meeting Member because I want to continue to be involved at a leadership level in helping to shape and maintain the Town I love.  I have always been involved in the communities I have lived in from a volunteer standpoint, from coaching kids sports (even before my own kids were born) in three different states, to raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society by running the Boston Marathon in 2005, teaching computer classes one summer at the Brookline Senior Center, and back to coaching my own kid’s sports teams.  My wife and I lived in Brookline as renters from 2000-2007, and with our two daughters for the past twelve years as both renters and homeowners.  Now that my kids have grown to school age, I have more time to dedicate back to the community.  I joined the Brookline Historical Society which has been a great confluence of my love of history and love of Brookline.  My wife and I plan to live in Brookline the rest of our lives and I would like to continue to take a more active role in managing our Town.  

Brief Summary & Thoughts on the Committees I Have Served On : 

I was part of the 2017 Override Study Committee (and also the chair of the School Population and Capital Sub-Committee) that researched in detail the increased cost challenges facing the Schools and the Town and worked with the committee to try and balance those challenges with the capacity of our Town residents to pay for those increased costs.  We have made great progress in making and executing plans to expand and modernize our schools, with overrides to fund the Ridley school expansion and modernization, the high school expansion, the Driscoll school rebuild, and most recently to rebuild Pierce.  As part of serving on the 2019 Brookline Fiscal Advisory Committee I helped study what Brookline can do going forward to sustain our AAA bond rating, and make changes and adjustments to our fiscal policy to continue balancing our needs.  Part of what makes our Town great is that our residents consist of people of all ages, walks of life, religions, and diverse backgrounds, and that diversity could be impacted by these factors if not addressed.  In 2021 I was the Precinct 6 rep on the Redistricting Committee to look at redefining (if needing) the precincts for the Town.  I felt we did a great job in modifying the existing precinct lines (minus Precinct 16) as well as adding a new Precinct 17 to hit and balance all of the goals of the committee, especially in being able to create two majority minority precincts in the Town.  In 2023 I was the Campaign Manager for the Yes For Brookline campaign in support of the Pierce School Debt exclusion and Town Operating Override.  The Pierce Debt exclusion was particularly complex due to the nature of the project, and I'm very proud the voters approved the debt exclusion to build a new right sized, ADA compliant, all electric Pierce School!

Endorsed by :

League of Women Voters Questionnaire & Answers :

Biographical Data:

I have lived in Brookline for nineteen years, 2000-2007 with my wife Sherry, and 2012-present with Sherry and our two daughters (Ellie & Meg, 10th & 5th Grade - BHS & Pierce).  I graduated from Purdue University in 1996 (Computer Engineering/History) and from Boston University in 2002 (MBA & MSIS).  I’ve worked in High Tech for over 27 years as an engineer, manager, and director.  I have a passion for Brookline history and I enjoy spending time with my family, running, and doing home improvement projects 

What should your responsibility be to your precinct and how will you communicate and engage with your constituents?

My responsibility to my precinct is to listen and understand their needs, help them with issues related to the Town and the various boards and Commissions, and represent them at Town Meeting.  I communicate and engage by walking around and meeting people, and talking with them on the streets, in the parks, and at the schools.